Get Found in a Noisy Online World - Supercharge Your Real Estate Business with Digital Marketing

Episode 58 October 16, 2024 00:29:43
Get Found in a Noisy Online World - Supercharge Your Real Estate Business with Digital Marketing
The Agent Mind Podcast
Get Found in a Noisy Online World - Supercharge Your Real Estate Business with Digital Marketing

Oct 16 2024 | 00:29:43


Show Notes

The Agent Mind Podcast - Episode: Supercharge your Real Estate Business with Digital Marketing

Host: TJ McGraw 

Podcast: The Agent Mind Podcast 

Guests: Matthew Weber (Host of "What's Up Dunwoody" Podcast) and Peyton Peoples (Co-host of "The Home Tour" Podcast) 


In this exciting episode of The Agent Mind Podcast, host TJ McGraw sits down with two real estate pros, Matthew Weber and Peyton Peoples, for an insightful discussion on the power of social media and the importance of consistency, especially in video content. As successful real estate agents based in the Atlanta area, they share their journeys, tools, and strategies for growing their businesses through online platforms.


Key Topics:

- Social Media Mastery: Both guests are experts in leveraging social media to boost their real estate careers. Matthew Weber is lauded for posting daily videos consistently for over 1,400 consecutive days. Peyton Peoples shares her expertise in building a personal brand and generating real estate leads through platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

- Consistency is Key: Matthew’s 1,400+ days of consecutive video posting highlight the value of dedication to content creation. Peyton emphasizes how crucial social media has been in her career and offers advice on how others can build a brand that resonates with local communities.

- Networking Events: TJ talks about his passion for bringing agents together in relaxed, productive environments. He mentions his alternative meet-up events for agents, which focus on collaboration and networking, away from the typical stuffy realtor board meetings.

- Upcoming Events: The trio previews their upcoming real estate networking event in Fayetteville, Georgia, on October 24th at the Line Creek Brewery Bus Barn. Both Matthew and Peyton will be panelists at this live event, where they will share more about their strategies and experiences in person.

- Real Estate Collaborative Network: TJ introduces the "Real Estate Collaborative Network," a Facebook group designed to foster collaboration among agents. He invites listeners to join the group for discussions, sharing best practices, and organizing live meet-ups across different regions.



- Matthew Weber’s experience as the host of the What's Up Dunwoody podcast and being named Grand Marshal of the Fourth of July parade in Dunwoody.

- Peyton Peoples' success in turning social media into a primary driver of her real estate business and host of the Home Tour Podcast.

- The focus on creating authentic, relaxed networking events for agents to share, learn, and grow together.


Upcoming Event: 

 “Get Found in a Noisy World – Supercharge your Real Estate Business with Digital Marketing” 

  Date: October 24th, 12 noon – 2 pm Eastern 

  Location: Lion Creek Bus Barn, Fayetteville, GA 

 RSVP at 


Join the Real Estate Collaborative Network on Facebook,

And don’t miss the chance to attend live events that bring agents together for meaningful discussions and shared learning experiences!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: This is not a drill. This is the age of Mind podcast. Hey, hey. Back again, the agent Mind podcast. I'm your host, TJ McGraw. Again, I think if you listen to the show, you know, I'm an active agent. I run a team down south side of Atlanta. But that's not what we're here for. We are here for. This is a bit of a reboot. We're rebooting the show. It's going to be great. Rebooting the show again. I know that I've done it a couple times, but I think I got the. I think I got the formula now. I've been doing a lot of live events in this post Covid world. I don't know. I'm kind of tired hearing that post Covid. Pre Covid. Post Covid. Whatever it is, what it is, we're in the post Covid world. Agents are hungry to get in the same room together. I'm trying to provide a option that is, um, different, um, a little bit looser from your. Your options that we have out there. I don't know about you all, where you are. Hopefully you have a cool, kind of laid back environment to go network with other agents. Um, but around here, we got a couple choices. It's. It's either our realtor board meetings, which, as you know, can be stuffy, they can be clicky. Um, you know, just. They are what they are. They're. I'm not against Nar. I'm not anti nar or anti realtor, but we know how those meetings kind of. Kind of roll. So I'm offering a little bit of alternative. The other meetings that a lot of people have options to go to, it's a kind of. Someone will, a team leader or a broker will do a meeting that's disguised as education, and it ends up being kind of a, quote, timeshare to join their team. So I'm trying to provide another option where it's loose. We drink beer. Everybody gets a beer token when they come. I got a couple of sponsors. They don't. Sponsors don't. They have specific instructions not to hard sell anything? It's really, truly there just for us to get together. It's kind of a selfish thing. I did it because I wanted to get in the room. I was anxious to get in the room with. With people and network and mastermind with people and learn from each other. So that's what that's all about. So today, um, we. I've. We're going to talk to a panel. Got two special agents, special agents. Some spy music right there. Two pretty awesome agents from the Atlanta area on the show today. They are also going to be the panelists for kind of the opening act for a meetup I have coming up on October 24. So we have, if you, if you a fan of the show, you probably know Matthew Weber. Um, he's on, he's like mister consistency with video. I can't believe how many we've talked. He's been on the show talking about his consistency with video. He's got some ungodly amount. I think it's like over 1400 consecutive days of posting a video online. It's, it's kind of nuts if you think about it. Um, so we're gonna talk to him. He's also the host of the what's Up Dunwoody podcast up in Dunwoody, Georgia, kind of on the north side of. And great, great stuff. He ended up being the marshal for the 4 July parade for his town, which is pretty big deal. And Dunwoody, but I'll let him talk about that stuff. And then we also have another outstanding agent, Peyton Peoples. She's down here kind of in my market, right? Definitely in my market down the south side. She also is a co host of a podcast, home tour podcast. Pretty awesome podcast for like a local, local community podcast down here. And she also is a whiz, master whiz at social media and really building a brand, I would say, from, from social media. And I don't want to speak for, I don't want to put words in her mouth, but I would, I would guess that she would say this, that most, if not all of her success as an agent has come from what she has done on social media. So enough of me yammering on. I got a Facebook group. The meetups are. I kind of have a loose organization at this point. We might get a little. Little more serious, but the organization is called the real estate collaborative Network. So we got a Facebook group. Please hop on. Join the Facebook group. If you're not local, still join, please, because we're gonna. I'm gonna try to expand events out. I've been talking with some, somebody in a neighboring state about bringing the real estate collaborative network up there and doing some live events up there and kind of spreading it out. So, um, anyways, I'm dreaming. I'm starting to dream out loud here. So, uh, help me with that dream. Let's get together. It's about networking, it's about collaborating. Um, it's about sharing, sharing ideas and best practices and a rising tide lifts all boats, to use a cliche. So enough of that. Go join the Facebook group. Let's get into it. Matthew Weber, Peyton Peebles back in with the agent mind podcast. Today we have a special treat. I know they say that every episode, but today is the truth. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. We're going to be talking about social media and consistency with video and kind of all the hodgepodge stuff of that. And then I kind of want. The two folks I have on today are very active in their community and on social media, and we're kind of going to talk about how those blend together. So without further ado, welcome back to the show. If you've listened to any of the podcast episodes prior, you probably have heard this name before. Matthew Weber from Dunwoody. Don't leave yet. [00:05:42] Speaker B: I got new stuff. I got good stuff. What's happening? [00:05:44] Speaker A: Nice and new to the podcast, a new friend of the age of mind, Peyton peoples, who is. I came across her on social media, actually, and we connected through a mutual friend. And here you are. Before we get into it, before we get into the question, I do want to mention that on October 24 of this month, and I'll put the link in the show notes during the days, like twelve to twelve to two, I believe the hours are. It's in the, in the afternoon, um, come to Fayetteville, the line creek bus barn in Fayetteville. We got a private room, um, and these two are going to be our panelists, um, to kick us off, come see these folks live, um, in person. Here's a little teaser. So let's, let's kick it off. Let's. Peyton, since you're the, the new, the new guest, it's your first time on the age of mind, let's kick it off with you. Um, like I said, I found you on social media. [00:06:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:06:38] Speaker A: Which is good. That's the purpose of social media. Right? So give me a little brief, brief history of kind of your real estate journey and getting into when you realized that you needed social media to really make things happen. [00:06:53] Speaker C: Okay? So, hey, guys, I'm Peyton Peeples. I am out of Peachtree City. So I'm on the south side of Atlanta, which is opposite of Matthew, but basically, I don't know how to run a business without social media. So it's been a day, one kind of thing. I have been licensed for five years, but I've been in the real estate space for almost ten years. I spent a lot of time doing marketing director positions, freelance work for other agents prior to getting licensed. So I've built multiple businesses online prior to becoming licensed. So, like I said, the whole social media aspect of it is just the most important part of it for me. So I've never, I've never run the business any other way. So I don't even know what that looks like. [00:07:42] Speaker A: Gotcha. Yeah, that's a, that's awesome. And I have. That just sparked a ton of questions for me. But before we get into that, we'll just get to introduce Matthew Weber. Reintroduce Matthew Weber. What's up, Dunwoody podcasts? Community podcast in. Where was it? Where was it again? [00:07:59] Speaker B: I'll talk from Dunwoody. Matt Weber, Dunwoody, Georgia. When I got into real estate, like six years ago, I had the same coach as TJ, and at the time, he was pushing into this digital mayor type of thing, and I didn't know anything about real estate. I didn't know anything about the area that I lived in. And so I just kind of threw myself into the local community, just tried to meet as many people as possible with the podcast. And, yeah, that's pretty much the only marketing, I guess, that I've ever done is on social media. Like Peyton was saying, I mean, it kind of. I don't know, that's. It was. It was an easy way. And social media is something that we have now, like Gary Vee says, I mean, it's free. Like, how can you complain about something that's free? Yeah, I'm glad you've ever paid for, like, a print marketing or anything like that. Leads. I mean, I've definitely never done that. [00:08:50] Speaker A: Yeah, there's really no need. There's really no need to. And especially as an agent coming into the space, it is a, you know, in the beginning, you might not be able to pay somebody to do, like, all the, all the intricacies of, you know, posting and running a Facebook page for you or whatever like that, but you can definitely post online and you put some sweat equity into it, and it is free marketing. You got, you both are going to be on the panel at the, at the event. And the event's called getting found in a noisy world. I forgot to mention that. So what's your philosophy behind, like, why do it? I know it's because you said you really don't know any other way to do it. So that's what you've always done. But how come it wasn't something else? Because I know agents, that they're not on social media at all, and they just work their sphere or they buy leads from Zillow. So what? So what? Like, why? I guess that's the SD. That's the question there. Why do you do what you do with social media? Pay? [00:09:52] Speaker B: Do you wanna go first? Ladies first. [00:09:54] Speaker C: Yeah. So I'll just. I'll just say it. It'd be a cold day in hell before I spend money on leads. I'm not of the, you know, trading money for lead generation mindset. It works great for other people. I know plenty of millionaire real estate agents. That that is their choice of lead gen, because I lead so heavy with the community, I. It's just a natural next step to just be very active in what's going on. I was born and raised here, which is, I'm kind of like an anomaly. That's not a thing around here is most people are not from here. So I just lean really heavy into the fact that I've spent my whole life here. I know everything about this town. You're not going to find anybody who is more in tune with what is going on in South Atlanta than I am. So that in itself just kind of allows people to know, like, and trust me and want to follow and be part of what I'm doing. So anytime that there's any real estate news or a new restaurant or anything like that, I'm typically the first person that people want to come to and ask nice. [00:11:08] Speaker A: Yeah. Because you've built that. How long did it take you to get the following that you have? [00:11:16] Speaker C: Probably like three years. [00:11:17] Speaker A: Okay. [00:11:17] Speaker C: Like three solid years. Yeah. [00:11:20] Speaker A: Yeah. Nice. And when did you start getting leads, like, having people reach out to you? [00:11:26] Speaker C: I would say I was probably about eight months into the business. I mean, there's a little bit of time where you. You have to prove yourself as you know. Yes. You can be a leader in the community, but that doesn't necessarily mean you know how to sell real estate. [00:11:39] Speaker A: Right. [00:11:40] Speaker C: So there's a little bit of truth. You know, there's a little bit of time there that you've got to prove yourself, that you can transfer between those different roles. But I would say it was probably about eight months before people were like, okay, yeah, she gets it. She knows what she's doing, and it's never stopped since then. [00:11:58] Speaker A: And you, I know a lot of agents that would love to work with a builder, and you have a relationship with a builder. And I think it's an interesting story how that came about. Yeah. So tell that story. [00:12:12] Speaker C: Okay. So I am in no way, like, you know, clearly. We'll talk about this, but Matthew is the king of video here. But I am because I'm so in tune with the community, and I if there's something going on in our area and I don't know about it, then there's no way that the other people in our area know about it. So when I found out about a newer development that was under construction and they had a really cool thought process of having, like, nightly rental Airbnb type setups as part of the community, which is very unique to our area, I was like, why is no one talking about this? So I went over and I did a quick walkthrough video, and I posted it on socials, and it went viral on TikTok. And at the time, the builders were. They had another working relationship with another brokerage, which is fine. But then they reached out to me and were like, hey, you clearly know how to do this social media marketing thing. [00:13:12] Speaker B: I think you're better than this at the person we have. Yeah. [00:13:15] Speaker C: So they were like, we want to make a switch. And I said, cool. So that turned into a couple million dollars in real estate luxury neighborhood in Peachtree City. And then recently, that's. That experience has led us into our newest project that was multi million dollar luxury builds that are. It's, you know, three times the size of what I had before, so. [00:13:40] Speaker A: And that's. That's actually right around the corner for me. I run past there all the time. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting to see it, to see it grow, but that's. That's. I don't want to get off on a. Yeah, no. A side talk here, but, yeah. So that's. I love that, though. And anybody that's listening, you didn't have any other expectations other than you knew you needed to post something on social media. [00:14:02] Speaker C: Yeah. If nothing else, I just wanted it to be a resource of people, to be able to see what was going on. People have different views on going viral on social media. I am of the camp that it just happens, if it happens, you can't make it happen unless you're willing to spend a ton of money, which we've all noted I'm not willing to do. So it was a total happen chance type of situation. [00:14:31] Speaker A: Happy accent. [00:14:32] Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. [00:14:33] Speaker A: Nice. Yeah, we'll get into come to a live event because we're going to get into a little more of the how to and the nitty gritty of it when y'all are on stage live. But I do want to mention, like you meant, you said if it goes viral, it goes viral, like, great, but that's not your goal. And I want. I think that's a good point to let everybody know that's listening, is that it's really difficult, number one, for a local agent to go viral, because usually the viral videos are. Everybody all over the world is clicking on these things and watching them. And it takes a certain person that's either moving to the area or lives in the area to really latch on to the kind of local stuff. So that's a big misconception. And you guys can, if you disagree, let me know. But that's a big misconception. Like, you don't have to have, you know, a million views on your videos. Like, you can do. You can have just a few hundred views or even less than 100 views on some videos as long as you're. You're presenting yourself as, like, the local expert. [00:15:36] Speaker C: Right. [00:15:37] Speaker A: You're gonna. It's gonna work. It's gonna. It's definitely gonna happen. [00:15:39] Speaker C: Yep. [00:15:40] Speaker A: So, speaking of video, what? Tell me, Matt, Matthew, how many videos in a row have you posted? And tell us that story about getting. Starting that whole journey of posting videos every day. [00:15:53] Speaker B: Yeah. TJ, you were there. We had a group that we were talking about, 75 hard, I think, originally, where it was this challenge that we were all doing, and there was, I don't know, maybe 15 of our, kind of our organization in this group. And we were all talking about marketing. There was all real estate agents, so we were all talking about marketing and different things that we were doing. And we're kind of talking about how it's just uncomfortable to do video. But this was in November of 2020, where you weren't seeing your friends. Like, there was no way to get your real estate information in front of anybody or talk to anybody except for doing video. And that's when everybody swung to social media, and it was, I mean, that's where you would go to see your friends. And so a buddy of mine, Dan Parker, said that what he did was he just started posting every day, and he just got used to doing it. And so he kind of challenged all of us. I think I was the only one that took the bait to just record for 20 days. And so I would record every day when I was kind of running around the park, and then I would post it on Instagram Stories. And, I don't know. The first day was hard. Fifth day was even harder. By the 20th day, I was kind of used to it, and I just kept going. And I kind of was thinking it would be like, maybe if I make it 90 days. That would be really cool. And here we are, like, it's like 1400 and something days later at this point where I just go down to my basement every day and just record a quick video. And a lot of it is talking about my family and my kids and movies and whatever else I'm interested in. You know, maybe once a week I talk about real estate, but it's really just to get in front of those people that I already know and that I'm comfortable putting video in front of. I guess my viewership hasn't really grown that much since I've been doing the stories because it's just my friends and family and, you know, people that already follow me, local people around the community, that kind of thing. But I've just got. I've gotten used to doing the videos now, and it's kind of fun. You'd be surprised. [00:17:53] Speaker A: No, it's great. I love when I catch them. I love watch. I love what you do. You're definitely. I've seen you grow. So from. From the first couple of videos to how you do it now, it's like, natural. Yeah. It's like. Yeah, now it's like. It's like your show every day. It's just the Matthew show. [00:18:10] Speaker B: And doing the podcast, that was a way to not do video. Like, when I started this podcast, it was like 2018. I want to say that was a way for me to do my thing and talk to people and then put it out, but there was no video. And now that we've got, you know, you're using Riverside to record this today. Video podcasting is so much easier because you can just use the videos and, you know, it's better recording quality. Everything's changed in the last six years. It's crazy. [00:18:37] Speaker A: Absolutely. Yeah. Amazing. And we'll. We'll get, of course, dive more into that on the. At the. At the event. If anybody noticed, I'm really plugging this event. So if you. If you're listening, make sure you get. Get tickets. It's free. It's awesome. And there's free beer as well, so make sure you come. At least come for the beer. Stay for the people. [00:18:57] Speaker C: There you go. [00:18:58] Speaker A: Uh, cool. So, what? So, Matthew, I'm glad you brought up the podcast. Cause you. You both do podcasts. And, Peyton, yours is called the. The home tour podcast. [00:19:07] Speaker C: Yep. [00:19:08] Speaker A: Um, and they're both like a local community podcasts. So, where'd that come from? Like, what was your intention? And, like, kind of what did you want to see? Like, what was your goal, like, why did you start the podcast? [00:19:20] Speaker C: So about two years ago, myself and some other not agents, but people who are in the real estate space were just kind of venting about things that happen and the crazy shit that happens to us in this industry. Right. So it really just kind of was born out of that conversation. And we were like, man, wouldn't it be awesome if, like, people just had this raw, no contingencies kind of conversation about this industry and how it works and have a safe place for people to be able to ask questions? And ultimately, that's what we built. So it took us about six to eight months to really work through. How are we going to make this work? We're all parents, we all have kids. So it's, you know, we're all in marriages and doing this on the side of running businesses, you know, it's just another thing on our to do list. But we were really passionate about it, so we launched it about a year ago. So our one year anniversary will be coming up in January. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Nice. [00:20:24] Speaker C: And we post new stuff every Tuesday. So it's a weekly podcast. You can get it anywhere. It's on YouTube. The whole video thing is a game changer. It makes things a lot easier. But, yeah, we kind of, we initially started it with talking about, like, frequently asked questions, things that maybe people don't talk about when it comes to, you know, how does a home inspection work or I. What to expect when your real estate photographer shows up at your house, like as a seller. You don't really know maybe what that looks like. So we started with those things, but then it quickly became more community focused and us sharing the crazy stuff that we deal with in the business. [00:21:05] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting to see the kind of watch the way that your podcast has evolved because everything evolves right from the first one, from the first episode, and now you're what you. It'll be a year. So you'll be what, almost 52 episodes in? [00:21:21] Speaker C: Yep. [00:21:22] Speaker A: And this, just to see how it evolves is pretty fun. And the quality gets better and the sound gets better. It's just. It's kind of cool. I'm always interested. Yeah, I'm always. I always love to see that, that journey, you know, from, from the first one to the, to the, you know, to where you are now. So, yeah, congratulations on the year. [00:21:40] Speaker C: Thanks. [00:21:41] Speaker A: And you can definitely. I'm a big fan of Tyler Willis photography or Tyler Willis Media now. So you can always plug Tyler Willis on my, on my podcast. Is. He is the. Probably the, if not if not the best, one of the best. He's definitely the best. In south side of Atlanta. There's no. Nobody can hold a candle to him. And he's. He's such a. He's so dedicated to his craft. It's. It's pretty amazing. And he'll be at the event as well, too. So, um, so. So back to Matt. What. What's up, Dunwoody? Like, where. Where did that come out from? That. Well, you said where it comes out from is being the, uh, kind of the mayor of the. Of your community, but it's. It's really grown into this. To this thing of its own. Right. And that. That podcast and the community that you've built has a. Has a pretty big following, doesn't it? [00:22:28] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I did it at the right time. 2018 was, like, when podcasting was starting to pick up, and a lot of those, you know, listeners at the very beginning just were kind of like, oh, this is something new. You know, Dunwoody. Dunwoody is 50,000 people, so it's not like a huge city. And so there's just only. It's a very niche group that might listen to the podcast. But I already, at the time, I was setting up, like, Facebook groups, and so I've got a couple of Facebook groups that are, like, 15,000 people. And so it's easy to put them out. You know, record a podcast with local business and then put it out in the community. And people loved it at first. I mean, it really took off. It's kind of. It's slowed down a little bit. I think the video has kind of picked it up a little bit. But, yeah, I mean, we've done 240 episodes. The first, almost 200 were with my brother in law, and he wasn't a real estate agent, so we were just going around the community, talking to people. And, yeah, one of the first video, I just held my camera up, and I was talking to Big Dave's cheesesteak, a guy that ran that, and I just knew that nobody had heard of it. And so I held up my phone and said, what's up, Dunwoody? It kind of stuck. It just sounded good. When I listened to it back, I was like, what's up, Dunwoody? That's a good name for. I've kind of branded everything that way. Yeah. [00:23:41] Speaker A: You got a cool logo. I do love your logo, for sure. [00:23:43] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:23:45] Speaker A: Yeah. And you. So it is. It is quite a niche because it is just kind of a small area. Geographical area. Yeah. But didn't. Weren't you? I mean, you're kind of a fabric of the community, right? Didn't you? [00:23:58] Speaker B: Yeah, it's grand. Yeah. It's a good way to meet people. And through that process, I've met, you know, all of these people, and things have just kind of happened because of it. Like, I've been invited to join boards, which always happens. I know I'm not special for that voluntold to do whatever, but the parade was a good one. So the parade, one of the city council members was stepping down, moving, and there was this spot to co chair our Dunwy 4 July parade, which is the biggest 4 July parade in the state. And she came to me and said, you're one of the most organized people that I know. Laughed at that because I'm very unorganized. I do have the media part, and so. And I do know a lot of the local businesses. I mean, after 240 episodes, like, I know everybody. And so it was. It was. I said no at first, but then I finally said yes. And that's been one of the coolest things in my life right now. And it came straight from the podcast. [00:24:54] Speaker A: Awesome. And so you do that every year now? [00:24:56] Speaker B: Yeah, July 4 every year. [00:24:59] Speaker A: That's amazing. Yeah, well, this is super cool. I don't want to. I don't want to spill it all. We can sit here and talk all afternoon and make this podcast 3 hours, 4 hours long. But we're save it for the 24th, so make sure to get your tickets. I'll put the link in the show notes. But before we go, I guess if someone's listening to this and now and they've. You've inspired them, they're chomping at the bit to get started. They're committing to doing social media and video like, peyton, what's the one piece of advice that you would tell them to while they're waiting to see you in person? [00:25:33] Speaker C: Yeah. Pick a platform. Don't be overwhelmed by the fact that there's multiple different things that you can choose. Choose one. I think that would probably be my charge to you before you show up to the event. At least have that decided. What are you going to chase after? Don't feel like you have to do multiple, just one. It's fine. And figure out what that looks like, and then we can chat more about how that is impacted and what all of those things look like. Because what you do on Facebook isn't what you do on TikTok or Instagram or any other platform. So. [00:26:08] Speaker A: Yeah, that's for sure. That's a good point, though. Don't. It is overwhelming when you, when you're like, you go, you commit and you're, you're fired up and you go down a rabbit hole of like, I got a post here, I got a post there. [00:26:20] Speaker C: What I want to do, all the. [00:26:22] Speaker A: Things I do, all this stuff. Yeah, yeah. It's so. Yeah, pick one. I always tell people, like, whatever social media platform that you're using now in your personal life, just since you already know the platform, you know how to post, you know, probably know the editing tools, just stick with that and start rolling with that. [00:26:39] Speaker C: Yep. [00:26:40] Speaker A: So good. Good advice. How about you, Matthew Weber? [00:26:43] Speaker B: I'd say it's just all about consistency. I mean, with social media, I think it's kind of a long game. And I don't know if people realize that, but at the beginning, nobody's gonna pay attention to you and you just have to keep posting and keep posting. And, you know, those Facebook groups grew organically because they just were around for a long time. Like, I took care of them and they were around for a long time. Podcast kind of, you know, the first 20 episodes, probably nobody listened to. But, you know, I did get a client on the 13th episode, I think, and that's kind of spiraled into, I'm working with one of them right now, actually, ironically. But, yeah, I mean, it's just, it's going to take a long time, so put the things in place. Just get started doing something and you just, you get used to it. And as you get used to it, you're going to put out more and more. Content is always better. [00:27:33] Speaker A: Absolutely. And you said something very reassuring there that he said that when you first start, nobody's going to see your videos anyways. Nobody's going to watch you anyway. So that gives you a little license to kind of, you know, get used to it. Work out being in front of the camera, work out what you're doing, because really, it's true. That's the point when the least eyes will be on you if you're, if you're consistent and move forward. [00:27:55] Speaker B: Talk about something that, you know, something that you, you know, if you have to talk about your kids or talk about design or like some. Doesn't have to be real estate related, just has to be something. Just talking people will resonate with something in your life. [00:28:07] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [00:28:08] Speaker C: Absolutely. It probably shouldn't be real estate, let's be honest. [00:28:10] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:28:11] Speaker C: Talk about something else because you don't. [00:28:13] Speaker A: Want to see my just listed and how awesome of an agent I am. [00:28:16] Speaker C: And, no, I don't. [00:28:17] Speaker B: We already know that. [00:28:18] Speaker A: Come on. Yeah. Well, cool. Well, thanks so much. Like I said, I got. I got a whole notebook full of questions for you. We're going to get that. Get to that on the. On the event on the 24th. Thanks so much for coming on and giving a little teaser for what we're going to be talking about. That's the thing. I wanted it to be kind of candida. I can just cut that. That whole. The whole ending out right there. Yeah. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Our candidate was terrible. [00:28:48] Speaker A: Yeah, it was horrible. Yes. You guys are the worst guests. I can't believe YouTube podcasts. [00:28:55] Speaker B: What's funny is you're not gonna edit this. We're gonna end up right. [00:28:58] Speaker C: We're gonna be on. [00:28:59] Speaker B: You're gonna forget line just like this. [00:29:00] Speaker C: Thank you so much. [00:29:02] Speaker A: And that's the best part. Yeah, usually the best part. Maybe I'll put it. I'll put in the blooper reel. [00:29:07] Speaker C: Super real. [00:29:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:29:08] Speaker B: There you go. [00:29:10] Speaker A: All right. Sign it off.

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