Latest Episodes
ep #25 Our Relationship with Money w/ Dawna Campbell
Considered a Mind Whisperer, Dawna combines her knowledge, wisdom, experience and talents to help people create a life of Happiness, Prosperity, and Love. Her...
ep #24 Building a Greener Tomorrow w/ LeAn Wortman
Holly Cow!.. What an amazing story! In this episode we talk to LeAn Wortman and we learn about her incredible journey. In just a...
ep #23 Hyper Local Podcasting w/ Matthew Weber
As an entrepreneur one of our biggest challenges can be generating new business. It’s so often a long game to find the clients and...
ep #22 "Irrefutable" w/ Todd Duncan
THE WORLD’S LEADING AUTHORITY ON TRUST! Todd Duncan is an American author and speaker. According to CNN, Todd Duncan is “the Tony Robbins of...
ep #21 Be Legendary
This solo episode is a result of me runing all the wisdom and ideas of the previous guests through the filter of my own...
ep #20 "This is Your Captain Speaking" w/ Jason Martin
Jason Martin, a former sports anchor fulfilled his childhood dream of interviewing top performing athletes like Tiger Woods and Arnold Palmer. He now runs...