Building Community to Build Your Real Estate Business

Episode 61 January 19, 2025 00:37:16
Building Community to Build Your Real Estate Business
The Agent Mind Podcast
Building Community to Build Your Real Estate Business

Jan 19 2025 | 00:37:16


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In this episode of the Agent Mind Podcast, TJ McGraw speaks with Scott Hack, broker-owner of Finish Line Realty in Louisville, Kentucky. They discuss the importance of building community within the real estate industry and how it can significantly enhance business growth. Scott shares insights on fostering a collaborative culture among agents, creating unique community engagements through networking groups, and leveraging local businesses to strengthen community ties. He also emphasizes the role of intentional networking and the value of face-to-face interactions in building lasting relationships.

Links Mentioned in the episode

Real Estate Distilled conference in Louisville, KY:
Connect with Scott Hack:
Real Estate Distilled Podcast:
  • Building community is essential for business growth.
  • Creating a culture of collaboration among agents is key.
  • Physical meeting spaces can enhance communication and feedback.
  • Networking groups can help agents build their own communities.
  • Community engagement takes time and persistence.
  • Unique products can serve as a bridge to community building.
  • Events are crucial for fostering relationships.
  • Intentional networking leads to valuable connections.
  • Leveraging local businesses can enhance community ties.
  • Building relationships is at the core of successful networking.

The Real Estate Collaborative Network

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: This is not a drill. [00:00:03] Speaker B: This is the age of mine podcast. Hey. [00:00:08] Speaker A: Hey. [00:00:08] Speaker B: Welcome back to the Agent Mind Podcast. I'm here with Scott Hack today. He's the broker owner of Finish Line Realty in Louisville, Kentucky. And we are going to talk about building community and how important that is and how it, how it can help your business absolutely. Just blow up. So, Scott, thanks so much for, for coming back, second time around on the show. Welcome back. [00:00:30] Speaker A: Yeah, thanks for having me, tj. I really appreciate the opportunity to share with the audience and hopefully we can put some, put some nuggets in their bucket that they can use to increase their business. [00:00:40] Speaker B: Absolutely. Nuggets in the bucket. I'm going to use that again and again. [00:00:43] Speaker A: That's right. [00:00:44] Speaker B: That is now etched in my brain. Thank you. So cool. So building community. I know we could talk for days on this and you are someone who does it really well. So I guess just to try to organize it. Let's start with your, your brokerage and the agents in your brokerage. How are you building community with them? Because I know if you're building community with your agents, they're taking that example and going out and building community. Tell me what you're doing there. [00:01:14] Speaker A: So, I mean, at the brokerage level, I think it's obviously when people are talking about building a brokerage and culture is one of the things that really start standing out as a, kind of, as a buzzword. But really for me, what that means is putting together agents and working together, you know, rowing in the same direction and cadence. And one of the kind of terms I use to help describe that is basically a roundtable leadership. So I really try to bring my agents to the table. You know, we're making decisions together, we're having discussions. Obviously there are times and things where I have to, you know, make an executive decision. But anytime I have an opportunity to bring in the agents to, you know, essentially get buy in and get their feedback on something, I'm going to do it. So that, and that was one of the things that was important to me coming out of the pandemic. We actually moved the opposite direction of a lot of brokerages. We actually bought an office condo so we would have a physical meeting space. I know a lot of places were giving up their physical space and moving into the virtual world. And, and obviously any kind of meeting that you're doing with, you know, your team or your, your broker, brokerages people are, are, is important. But I just felt like that that feedback loop that, you know, can get immediately closed by being Face to face. And you know, having three or four people over talk each other was, is important. So as you said, I've got a small brokerage in Louisville, Kentucky, Finish Line Realty. It's me on about 12 agents. And like I said, just try to get them involved in all the everyday decisions that we're doing so that they feel like that they are part of, part of the process. [00:02:56] Speaker B: Yeah, it's, that's interesting that you, you went in the opposite direction as of everybody, everybody else was really retracting from in person going into the office and you did the office, you did the opposite. And that's what, what does Warren Buffett say about investing? Like do, do the opposite of what, what everybody else is doing. And that's how you. Yeah, that's how you win that. [00:03:17] Speaker A: You know, I don't, I don't. Still don't know if it was a smart decision to be honest with you. I mean commercial real estate is certainly not, not been appreciating the same pace as residential. But what, what I found during the pandemic is we lost our ability to do coffee meetings and go out to lunch, you know, and really break bread and spend time with the agents, have that face to face time. So I wanted a space that couldn't be taken away from me. And I do work out of my home a lot. So, you know, the agents could have visited me here, but I've got an 11 year old and a 9 year old and you know, the house is hardly ever in the kind of condition where I'd want to invite people in on a regular basis. I certainly don't want my neighbors complaining that, you know, the house is a constant place of people coming in and out. So, you know, we just decided to bite the bullet and go with the office condo, which has worked out well. It gives me a space to meet with the agents once a week, which we do a training between nine, I'm sorry, 10:30 and noon every week. Gives me a place to host the networking group that I do. Gives my wife an opportunity for us to record our podcast there. So we actually refer to it as our training and media center and not our office. It's got a hot station in there, so there's a computer and a printer so they can stop in and print something off, scan something, you know, use the restroom, grab a soda from the fridge. And then there's, it's not staffed. They've got codes to the, you know, the door to get in. And of course the, like I said, the podcasting Equipment's in there. We're slowly trying to get people up and using that. It's a process. And then, you know, we're encouraging them to set up their own networking groups because that's, you know, one of the other community building things that I do with my wife is we have a networking group that we meet with twice a month that's in the same style as a bni. [00:05:11] Speaker B: Good segue. So let's dig into that. So one more question about the, the agents. So you're Building community is important as far as the culture of your brokerage. You're encouraging them to kind of do their own stuff. How much of that do they, like really grasp onto and run with? [00:05:27] Speaker A: Yeah, so I'll use the networking group as the example. So, you know, when I, when I'm talking with the agents and I'm personally trying to build my own community and that's one of the communities I'm working on building, I tell my agents that I'm never going to ask them to do something that I'm not going to do myself. So I'm definitely trying to lead by example and, you know, executing that networking group that I'm doing myself. So I, I meet with my group on the third Wednesday of the month and I'm like, hey, guys, you know, there's 28 other days of the month where this space is available for you to, you know, use it. Except for our trainings on Tuesdays, you know, there's a lot of opportunities, so pick a date. Let's block it out. And two of the agents so far have started that process. I don't know if anyone else has started up a networking group or started a BNI chapter, but it takes a little while. You've got to get probably 10 people to consistently start showing up for something before you can really start growing. And getting that 10 people into the same room on a consistent basis can take four or five months just to get the right people. So one of my persons, you know, she's I think three months in and she's got a group of six people so far that are consistently showing up and probably 25 that are on the mailing list. But she just, you know, those people haven't bought in yet. They're not showing up consistently. So it's just going to take her a little bit longer to keep going. But I'm confident she'll get there. And, you know, it's one of the things I think is working. [00:06:59] Speaker B: Yeah, that's a good point that you mentioned that it does take take time. Like anything that's worth doing really takes time. And it's. And often people give up like right before, right before the tipping point, so to speak. [00:07:10] Speaker A: Absolutely, yeah. [00:07:11] Speaker B: So you're. So you have a, it's a, it's a lunch meetup, right? Is that correct? [00:07:15] Speaker A: Yeah. So it's actually called Eat Network, Win. I keep it, you know, really basic and that's, that's the whole, you know, embedded command. We're there to eat network and, and win, hopefully business. So got a small website that I've built out that's kind of like a directory of people who attend on a regular basis. And I use a program called Mixly actually similar to Eventbrite, if you're familiar with that, to do the RSVPs. It lets me put people on an email list and set up and then it tracks who's coming, who's not coming and makes it really simple for me to execute. I can save, save that and do a lot of repeating. So I'm not starting over. [00:07:57] Speaker B: So just to clarify, this is this, this is not for agents specifically. This is for. To build a client base and to serve your client base, right? [00:08:05] Speaker A: Yeah, so that's correct. It's not real estate agents. So it's in the same style as BNI where we have protected seats and industries that we're trying to do. So we've got a mortgage person, we've got an insurance person, we've got an organizer, we've got someone in wellness travel agent. And you know, it, it also works really well because my wife has a publication that's called Stroll and it's put together by the same parent company that does Real Producers. So that company has Real Producers magazine as well as Stroll magazines. And Stroll is about, there's about 800 of them across, across the country. And the magazine basically is all about the people that live in that particular neighborhood. So it's the stories about their dogs and their vacations and their kids graduating from, you know, college and high school and about their basement remodels and it's partner supported. So you know, Liz goes up, my wife goes out and sell ads to like H vac people and plumbers and remodelers and you know, things like that. So a lot of the same tradespeople and a lot of the same people that are good for my referral business are good for her business. So we have a lot of overlap that we're trying to do with that. So a lot of her partners that are advertising in her publication also attend our networking group. So it's another kind of built in value add for her too. And it's great for me because those are all the same referral partners that I need. [00:09:41] Speaker B: Right. Yeah. So she's like the publisher of this magazine. [00:09:46] Speaker A: So the company basically does the back end support, the graphic design, the actual printing and mailing, and she's in charge of basically ad sales and all of the content writing. So they do the layout, but she actually has to write the content. And then they, they do the whole like, you know, the title needs to be this big and the font needs to be, you know, this and you need three pictures and you need, you know, 18 pages or 25 pages or whatever. I guess 25 pages doesn't work, but you know what I mean, 26 pages. [00:10:16] Speaker B: Yeah, I just wanted to differentiate because I know that agents will buy like a cookie cutter type magazine to put their, their face on and then that goes out to their sphere. This is, this is a different. [00:10:28] Speaker A: Yeah, this is different. All the content is 100% unique. It's exclusive to that neighborhood, that publication. Gotcha. So, you know, like this, this example here, this, these people on the COVID these are residents that live in the neighborhood. And then my participation in this publication is as the, the real estate resource. There's like a spot in here, find my ad, but there's like a spot in here where I list like the sales. You know, here's what's pending, here's what's sold, things like that. [00:11:06] Speaker B: So Scott's Corner. [00:11:08] Speaker A: So you know, it's, it's not fancy but you know, it's got like here's pending here, sold. And her publication goes to about 400 households. So that's another example of community we're building with the neighbors. So those are obviously part of it is they do in person events. So she does tries to at least every other month do an event where the neighbors and the partners come together and we're able to have FaceTime with them, shake hands. So along with the sort of passive advertising that's in the publication and them seeing my face and recognizing my brand, hopefully I'm, you know, like I said, shaking hands and actually having a conversation with them in person as well. [00:11:51] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, that's, that's, I'm glad we, we, we dug into the, the separation of. It's not just like an, a big advertisement that you buy. It's a, it's an actual, like she's doing all the work, doing all the content and that it's, that is building Community, like to a T. That's. That's amazing that. Who, who wouldn't love to see themselves in a magazine, you know, I mean, that gets distributed to 400 people and it's all about the community and all about the neighbors. [00:12:24] Speaker A: Yeah. One of my mentors, he used to tease, like, when I first started in the business in 2008, I had a website that was, to be honest, it was mostly a blog. Like, that's what kind of websites were that were not just landing pages. And we were always talking about content. And he was like, people want to listen to their favorite radio station. And he always teased that people's favorite radio station was W I I fm. So what's in it for me, you know, was what people want to want to see. So this particular publication, it's about, you know, news about their neighborhood and their neighbors. Them, to be frank. So, yeah, people have buy in to look at it and pay attention to it. And that's. As an advertiser, that's what I want. I want people engaged with the content. [00:13:19] Speaker B: Yeah, 100%. And I know you got other stuff going on that builds community. You actually have a whole other business as well. [00:13:28] Speaker A: Yeah. So, you know, we took. We have a conference, which. We'll talk about that in a second. But we, because of the conference and because of the magazine and because of the brokerage, we actually started a coffee company. And we've been using the coffee company to build community as well, in a very literal sense. So let me actually grab one of the bags I have here somewhere. So this is an example of. See if I can zoom this out a little bit. But like, we use these for gifts. So Liz today is out delivering these. There's a bag of our coffee in here. And then these are some creamer bombs. So she's sending these to some of the neighbors that we've met at some of the events, some of her advertisers and, you know, her partners. And then we're giving them out as door prizes at our networking group. And then last year, we started participating in our local farmers market. So the farmer's market's pretty small. There's about 10 booths at it, and it takes place every other Thursday night. So it's not every Saturday morning. We're not, you know, fighting that. We're not competing with a lot of other ones. And it's literally less than a mile away from our house, so we can, we can walk to it. So the people coming to that farmer's market are literally my neighbors. My literal Community. [00:14:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:53] Speaker A: So we use the coffee company to leverage introductions to our neighbors in our community. Because it's one thing to have a booth set up to say, hey, let me help you with, you know, selling your house or here's, let's talk about what your house is worth. And it's another for people to come up and, you know, want to, want to buy coffee. And we do samples. So we definitely met, you know, dozens of our neighbors that I would not have had an opportunity to have any FaceTime with. So it's been a great door opener to building those relationships and building again that community. [00:15:24] Speaker B: So for people that are listening, It'll be on YouTube so people could see. But for people that are listening, like driving in their cars right now. But I, I want to point out the label for your. Yeah, because like, talk about having a product that's very tied to your community and you got a cool label on the coffee packaging. [00:15:42] Speaker A: Yeah. So. So my brokerage is called Finish Line Realty and I am in Louisville, Kentucky. And so we're in horse racing territory. So we called the coffee Starting Gate Coffee. So we've got bookends here of Starting Gate and Finish Line. And our label and our logo, we went with traditional jockey silk colors. And then our coffee blend is called Super High Five. And Super High Five is a bet you can place at the racetrack for the first five horses to win. When we launched this particular blend in 2021, if you had placed a bet at the 2022 Derby for a super high five, it would have been over a million dollar ticket winner. Nice. And then we also have like a little barcode on here that mimics the betting slip from the track. So if you've ever been to the track and you see all the slips that people throw down, you know, after they, they didn't win, they all have those little barcodes almost like a lottery ticket looking. So we've got some of those little branding Easter eggs on there to help tie everything back to the, to the brokerage. And the idea was, is we wanted something obviously that was going to remind them of the brokerage, but we didn't want it to be Finish Line Realty Coffee because then it has its own standalone power. So we're working actually to get into like PTAs and little leagues and Cub Scouts to allow them to use the coffee as a fundraiser. Oh, just another way we're trying to use it as a door opener for our community and help build relationships. Really? Really. That's what it's all about. Is building, building relationships. And the coffee gives us, you know, the opportunity to, to do that. T.J. when you send me a referral, I throw a bag of coffee in the mail to you and, you know, as a thank you, it's just a nice touch. [00:17:31] Speaker B: It's good coffee too. You gave it to me at a conference one time. It's pretty good, for sure. But how many. Like, this is amazing. Like the layers of community building that you've established just, I mean, we can list them all right now, but so like down to fundraising for youth, community organizations and all that, like, that's, that's genius right there as well. Like, getting it, getting it out in a, in a philanthropic way does two things really. It helps your community. Number one, what a, what a great thing. You could finish there. But it also, it puts you in front of opportunities to meet people that you otherwise wouldn't. Wouldn't meet. So it's just, it's just amazing all the layers that you have kind of built in. [00:18:20] Speaker A: I think that some of that was, you know, came by accident because of my previous job history. I used to own a pizza restaurant actually, in my community. And, you know, every PTA was hitting us up for, for donation or sponsorship, you know, and when you are something like a pizza restaurant, it's a little easier just to do a gift card, right? Here's, here's a gift card. Here's something of value. You can resell it. Here's a coupon book that you can resell it gives you something. But when you take that and you translate it to a real estate business or something that's even service based, it's really hard to package up that service and then put it into something that you can assign a value to that someone else can buy or sell or, you know, even help pitch for you. So like, what am I going to do when the PTA asks me to donate something? So we, you know, we came up with the coffee company because now we've got, actually, you can see here, for those that are on YouTube, I've got some of our coffee mugs. So I can throw a couple of our branded coffee mugs into a package with some of the coffee and we can build that into a basket and then have something that's of value, but also provides us an opportunity to tell people who we are and what we do. But it's also something of value that they, they can use on their own. [00:19:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:44] Speaker A: Even if they weren't ever to call me like a coupon for a CMA is you know, there's no real value to that for someone to buy at a silent auction. Yeah, I guess it's an opportunity to do something that's a little bit deeper. [00:19:57] Speaker B: Yeah, most definitely. You're right about that. So how. So now the burning question I'm sure that everybody's thinking about now as they're listening or watching, like how, how hard or how easy was this to get going? Was it, was it something that was like a. Distract you from everything else going on to build this, or was it just kind of a natural thing to do? [00:20:22] Speaker A: It wasn't a distraction per se. You know, I do have a lot of moving pieces of businesses that Liz and I do, and this was kind of another extension to that. And as a personally fulfilling project, the brand building part of it is something that I enjoy. So that part wasn't. Wasn't that challenging. We worked with a graphic designer to come up with our brand and we actually have a whole kind of like brand blends as bets layout. So like we have a trifecta that we want to do scratch as our decaf. So we have this whole thing laid out where we did a lot of prep work. We've kept it simple though. We did just the one, the one blend. Tj, did you execute or try to execute a PI day event this year? [00:21:13] Speaker B: Yes, this year I did not. I've definitely done them in the past and it's. [00:21:18] Speaker A: So the real, the real motivation behind the coffee company was PI days. We did do PI days a few times and they're a pain in the rear to execute. Number one, sourcing a pie can be a challenge, especially as they become more popular. It's not shelf stable. Traveling with them. You can't stack them more than two or three high without them crushing each other. And there's no exclusivity to it. So you know, when someone goes to Costco and they get a seven or eight dollar pie and then you invite them to your office to pick up that same seven or eight dollar pie, you didn't save them anything time wise. You didn't give them anything they couldn't get on their own with the coffee company. You know, they can't go to the store and necessarily buy that. They've got to get it through us. It's shelf stable. They can put it in their car. It lasts for months, you know, unground. So we do do it as a whole bean so they can keep it for up to six months without grinding it. It still works. So I don't have inventory problems. And Worrying about, oh, I've got three extra apple pies, what am I going to do with these, you know, that sort of thing. So as a project there, that was really the big motivation. We wanted something that was consumable, had wide appeal and wasn't going to spoil. And we landed on coffee. And there's a few other reasons why, you know, it's, it's a food item. So in most states it's not taxable. So it makes it easy for the business to set up. We don't have to worry about paying in sales tax, some of those type of things. So. Yeah, and then we worked with a local roaster to actually develop our blend and do our roasting for us. So I still stay in my lane as a real estate broker and agent and I'm not out there trying to learn how to roast coffee. That was my next question on the brand. [00:23:14] Speaker B: Yeah, that was definitely my next question. Are you out there? Did you buy a roaster and go the whole nine? [00:23:19] Speaker A: No. I mean, there's a lot of things out there. I've, I've talked to people over the years about different things. Like I've seen people execute this kind of strategy with like barbecue sauces and like spice blends, you know, because there's a lot of things out there. The term that you would want to google is like white label or private label. And there's a lot of products out there and there's manufacturers that do nothing but develop products that can be private labeled or white labeled. Wine companies. We actually decided to stay away from, you know, spirits or wine. Yeah, but there's a ton of that type of opportunity out there for a private, you know, label or white label to go on a wine bottle again, like a spice blend, barbecue sauce, things like that, marinades. There's a ton of opportunity and you, you literally do the upfront work to get your brand and then they package it and ship it and handle everything else. So. [00:24:18] Speaker B: Nice. So is this a profitable venture for you or is it kind of a loss leader that is just. [00:24:24] Speaker A: It's a loss leader. Yeah. So I mean, we have, we generate a little bit of revenue from it, but you know, obviously with the amount that we give away, then we don't generate a profit from it. And we involve our kids in this too. So it's an activity that we do with our kids. They are doing samples, they're counting money, you know, they're doing customer service. And then we kind of started as a tradition with the family that we take in the girls after the farmer's market and we go get pizza together. So they know that we're there kind of selling the coffee to generate revenue to pay for the pizza that night. And like I said, it's not what it goes for, but that's kind of the story and they understand that there's a value there with what we're doing. [00:25:09] Speaker B: Yeah, excellent. I mean, so many. Just the learning opportunities too, for, you know, young, young people to get them thinking about business and entrepreneur like we. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Were talking about earlier, like, this is all a lot of layers. So we, the other reason we actually ended up doing the coffee company is we wanted to have more control over our experience at the conference that we do. So all of the community building that we're doing locally and for clients, we really try to extend to the agent community that we're trying to build with Real Estate Distilled. And we wanted something that was unique for us to do for speaker gifts and like I said, we do for referrals and our sponsors. So we started the coffee company so we'd be able to basically serve our own coffee at the conference when we were allowed to do that. And doing Real Estate Distilled, which is coming up in March, March 5th and 6th, it's given us a great opportunity. We've got a Facebook group of almost 2,500 agents and we'll have over 150 agents at the conference, people from 25 different states. So it's just another opportunity for people to come together and learn from each other. Which I think that's one of the most important parts about community is like, you know, tj, you and I have shared a meal together and like, if I have a question, like, I can call you up and say, hey, tj, I'm working on starting up my podcast. And you know, that's a great real world example. In the Facebook group, I shared that my wife and I are starting up the podcast. And, you know, you had some feedback and some different ideas from your experience. So now I'm not starting from ground zero. I'm starting from, you know, where you were and hopefully learning from the mistakes you made. So I don't repeat those. [00:26:53] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. How much time you got? We can talk about my mistakes. No, yeah, that's great. I'm glad you brought the, the, the distilled. I was going to mention that. Definitely a plug for that. If you, if you are looking for one of the best events to go to this year, Real Estate Distilled is amazing. Plus, it's, there's A. There's a bourbon tasting, right? Bourbon. That's just. Yeah. [00:27:17] Speaker A: So we lean into bourbon tourism that Louisville, Kentucky offers. So, you know, I. I did a Facebook post a few weeks ago, maybe about a week ago, and I was just kind of talking about how Louisville, Kentucky as a city, I feel is underrated as a conference city. But we've got a lot going for us. So, number one, we're, you know, kind of squarely in the Midwest or the top part of the south, depending on who you talk to, which makes us drivable to a big portion of the United States. So six or eight hours, you know, is kind of about the cutoff for what people want to do for driving, and that's about 60% of the population. And then airlift is another big thing. So we have direct flights from about 40 different cities. UPS has the world hub here, which means most packages delivered east of the Mississippi come through Louisville first, and then they fly back out to other places because of our central location in the United States. [00:28:15] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes sense. [00:28:16] Speaker A: And then, of course, we have our bourbon tourism, which gives people the opportunity to come in, do some learning, and then a tease. But, you know, we hope you have a thirst for knowledge, but, you know, if you're thirsty for something else, you can check that out while you're here as well. [00:28:32] Speaker B: Super cool. I know a few of the speakers that are coming. I just had Jessica Wade on the show last week, and she's amazing. What a great personality. And Neil Mathwig, a friend of ours, and just a bunch of a great, great lineup. So definitely, if you, like I said, if you're looking for one of the best conferences to go to, the link is in the show notes. Go check it out. Real Estate Distilled. And join the Facebook page too. [00:29:01] Speaker A: Right? And yeah, 100%. And those are great examples. You know, Neil is basically family. He's been to, I think, seven of our or six of our seven conferences that we've done. And, you know, obviously I've been to multiple events that Neil's done. He's came through town when he was full time RVing, and Jessica was actually at our very first event that we executed in 2018. You know, we've been to masterminds across the country together. We actually had a chance meet up in the Orlando airport, I think. You know, I was coming down to go to an event, and she was flying home to from an event, and we randomly met in the food court. So, you know, it's just those. Those relationships are solid gold, and it's Amazing what face to face interaction can do. [00:29:49] Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. And I have to say I've learned from you as far as like being a networker and the value in networking. And I don't. Networking can be. It can be kind of a general term or, and it can be an intimidating term, but a perfect example. I think we had met face to face once at this point and you had sent me a message. I think it was through Facebook Messenger. Hey, this. Your town's domain is available. I feel it was like living in Peachtree City or something to do with Peachtree City. I ended up buying it, which was. So thank you for that. But just, just a small, little thoughtful things that don't take a lot of time just to, just to, you know, make a, make a connection with people and just, just solidify that friendship, basically, is what, what it boils down to. Just, it's. It's no different than just like making friends, you know, in your personal life, like making friends in your professional life. It's kind of. There's no real difference. You know what I mean? There's. So when people think of networking, it's. It really is just. It's as simple as just making friends. [00:31:00] Speaker A: And I think, you know, the law of recity is certainly, certainly out there. And it's like you said, it's something, it's something simple. And the more you can do to let people know where you are, that's, you know, where they'll think of you. So when I'm looking through and I saw that city and it matched up with you, it's like, oh, who do I know there? That's T.J. so, you know, obviously I'm going to reach out, reach out to you. So it's important that people know where you're at in your market. And as I get a little older and, you know, my memory is not quite the same, sometimes it helps me to have a map. You know, I have a Google map where I have people marked so I can look up, like, who do I know that's in southern Atlanta? You know, who do I know that's in northern Atlanta? Because Atlanta isn't a good enough, you know, referral. Like, it's too big of a city just to do just Atlanta. [00:31:53] Speaker B: Absolutely it is. [00:31:55] Speaker A: Louisville is. So if you have anybody in the area, you know, I'm your guy. I'm your guy. [00:31:59] Speaker B: It doesn't take you two and a half hours to drive from the bottom to the top of the city. [00:32:03] Speaker A: No, I, and I live in the extreme east end, but I can get to the other side in about 40 minutes. [00:32:08] Speaker B: Nice. Yeah, that's not, that is not the case in Atlanta. If you've ever been to Atlanta, the traffic alone is, is a headache. Well, I could say, I could use a lot more harsh words about the traffic, but that's a. We'll just say headache. [00:32:24] Speaker A: Cool. [00:32:24] Speaker B: This is, this has been great. I mean, what. Is there anything else that. Because I feel like, I feel like I could, we could talk really all afternoon about the things that you're doing to build community and the networking that you do. I like building community much better than networking because that's really, that's really what it is. Is there anything that I'm. I didn't ask you that I should have. [00:32:48] Speaker A: You know, I can't think of anything specific, but I would just say that I do think that it's like anything, you know, you have to be intentional about it. And that includes, like, even though I host my own event, I'm probably going to be at maybe probably four other events next year because I want to be in the room with other smart people, meeting smart people and learning. And I think that that's something you have to be intentional about, making the time to do those things, you know, literally, like I said, having meals with people, you know, that way when I have a question, I can call someone up on a random Thursday and ask, hey, what do you think about this idea? Or have you done anything like this before? So it's nice to be able to build those relationships. And of course the referrals that you can build from making those connections is important. [00:33:40] Speaker B: The link for distilled is going to be real estate distilled event. It's a three day event. March 5th. [00:33:46] Speaker A: So we're technically two days this year, March 5th and 6th. And then if anybody is playing in the same sandbox is me. As an independent broker owner. We do have a pre conference event just for broker owners of independent brokerages that's on the fourth. So that's kind of an optional thing people can add on. But for most people they'll be here for two days and then we've got that, that bourbon tasting dinner on the first night where we bring in a brand ambassador. They walk us through a tasting of two or three of their different bourbons, do a catered dinner and we do transportation. So people are able to relax and enjoy their evening and not worrying about parking or finding places or driving after drinking bourbon. Exactly. [00:34:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Perfect. So. And you have, you have a podcast. Is it as you have it Published yet or are you still. [00:34:36] Speaker A: It's not published yet. We have three episodes recorded. Two of them have been edited by time. I don't. Depending on when you release this, we might have the first episode launched. I'm actually going through that process now of learning everything that you've already figured out, like distribution and what do we do for a landing page and, you know, that sort of thing, what accounts I have to create to get it on, you know, Apple and, you know, all the other stuff. [00:35:01] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, it's, it's. Well, we can talk offline, but it's, it's, it's. It's really pretty simple process once you get, once you get rolling with it, but. So what's the name of the podcast? You have the name picked up? [00:35:13] Speaker A: Yeah, it's going to be the Real Estate Distilled Podcast. Keeping it under the Real Estate Distilled branding and the umbrella. And we've got super cheesy on our theming. I'm excited about it, but we, we leaned in really heavy on it and. Yeah. So I don't. I'm anxious to get it out there and get feedback from people and see, like, oh, my gosh, did you really do that? But the content, I know is exciting because we've already started with our speakers and obviously I think these people are good enough to bring them into town to talk to a live audience. Then I know what they're going to do on the podcast. It's going to be amazing. [00:35:52] Speaker B: Yeah, I can't wait. I can't wait to hear it. Well, I'll definitely have a link to the Real Estate Distilled website, which I imagine there'll be a link to the podcast once it's. Once it's ready to go. [00:36:00] Speaker A: Once it's live. Yeah. Yes, sir. Cool. [00:36:02] Speaker B: So how do we find you on social media? We're going to join the Real Estate Distilled. [00:36:08] Speaker A: Yeah. If you go to, that is kind of my landing page. So there's links to the Real Estate Distilled website, there's links to the coffee company, there's links to download my contact info and connect with my social profiles. Yeah. Anybody reach out. I'm happy to answer any questions and, and connect. [00:36:30] Speaker B: Yeah. And that's. That's truth. So. Yeah, I know, I know you're not just saying that. Somebody else listening. Like, yeah, everybody says that, but I know it to be fact when you say it. For sure. [00:36:40] Speaker A: Absolutely. [00:36:41] Speaker B: So. So definitely. Well, this has been, this has been great, Scott. Thanks for coming back on the show. [00:36:47] Speaker A: Repeat guests, and really appreciate the opportunity to share. [00:36:51] Speaker B: Yeah, certainly. And I'm. I'm gonna. How do I get some of your coffee? How can I do that? [00:36:57] Speaker A: You come to Real Estate Distilled in March, and I'll name on it. [00:37:01] Speaker B: Awesome. All right, Scott, well, thanks for your time. And go. Go get it.

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